
It’s a new term with new kids and new parents and new teachers.

Everything smells new. The toys. Puzzles. The job.

Inevitably there are those parents and kids who have a hard time separating from each other. However, they both get used to it and life moves on.

For those who have difficulties, it helps to seat them with a calm child who they latch onto and settles them.

For teachers, it is not always so easy. Some parents demand more than you can give and if you don’t have a supportive administration or colleagues, things can degenerate really fast.

The buddy system is important in all aspects of life. It has many names; mentors, legends, friend…

When i see that work with kids, i wonder why things have to be so difficult with adults.

I like to think that my job keeps me grounded and aware of how much better the world could be that it inadvertently keeps me human and almost innocent, just like the kids.

4 thoughts on “Buddies

      1. Of course, I will mention my source of inspiration. I have written but have already posted too much today and still have one compulsory post to publish so have scheduled it for tomorrow. Nice day to you!


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